Physics of droplet regulation in biological cells
D. Zwicker*, O. W. Paulin*, and C. ter Burg*
Preprint at arXiv/2501.13639
Condensate Size Control by Net Charge
C. Luo, N. Hess, D. Aierken, Y. Qiang, J. A. Joseph, and D. Zwicker
Preprint at arXiv/2409.15599
Binding and dimerization control phase separation in a compartment
R. Rossetto, G. Wellecke, and D. Zwicker
Preprint at arXiv/2407.15179
Multicomponent mixtures exhibit a vast nucleation-and-growth regime
Y. Qiang, C. Luo, and D. Zwicker
Preprint at arXiv/2405.01138
Crossover patterning through kinase-regulated condensation and coarsening of recombination nodules
L. Zhang, W. Stauffer, D. Zwicker, and A. F. Dernburg
Preprint at bioRxiv
flory: A Python package for finding coexisting phases in multicomponent mixtures
Y. Qiang and D. Zwicker
J. Open Source Softw.
To mix or not to mix?
D. Zwicker
Nat. Chem. Eng.
Interference Length reveals regularity of crossover placement across species
M. Ernst, R. Mercier, and D. Zwicker
Nat. Commun. 15
Numba-MPI v1.0: enabling MPI communication within Numba/LLVM JIT-compiled Python code
K. Derlatka, M. Manna, O. Bulenok, D. Zwicker, and S. Arabas
Software X 28 [arXiv]
Beyond Pairwise: Higher-order physical interactions affect phase separation in multi-component liquids
C. Luo, Y. Qiang, and D. Zwicker
Phys. Rev. Res. 6
Power-law growth models explain incidences and sizes of pancreatic cancer precursor lesions and confirm spatial genomic findings
A. L. Kiemen, P. Wu, A. M. Braxton, T. C. Cornish, R. H. Hruban, L. D. Wood, D. Wirtz, and D. Zwicker
Sci Adv. 10 [bioRxiv]
Heterogeneous Nucleation and Growth of Sessile Chemically Active Droplets
N. Ziethen and D. Zwicker
J. Chem. Phys. 160
Optimized PAR-2 RING dimerization mediates cooperative and selective membrane binding for robust cell polarity
T. Bland, N. Hirani, D. Briggs, R. Rossetto, K. Ng, I. A. Taylor, N. Q. McDonald, D. Zwicker, and N. W. Goehring
EMBO J. 43
Nonlocal elasticity yields equilibrium patterns in phase separating systems
Y. Qiang, C. Luo, and D. Zwicker
Phys. Rev. X 14
Vesicle condensation induced by synapsin: condensate size, geometry, and vesicle shape deformations
J. Alfken, C. Neuhaus, A. Taskina, A. Major, C. Hoffmann, M. Ganzella, A. Petrovic, D. Zwicker, R. Fernández-Busnadiego, R. Jahn, D. Milovanovic, and T. Salditt
Eur. Phys. J. E 47
Influence of physical interactions on spatiotemporal patterns
C. Luo and D. Zwicker
Phys. Rev. E 108, 034206 [arXiv/2306.04882]
Physical interactions promote Turing patterns
L. Menou*, C. Luo*, and D. Zwicker
J. R. Soc. Interface 20, 20230244 [arXiv/2302.12521]
Nucleation of chemically active droplets
N. Ziethen, J. Kirschbaum, and D. Zwicker
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 248201 [arXiv/2212.12224]
The regulation of meiotic crossover distribution: a coarse solution to a century-old mystery?
C. Girard, D. Zwicker, and R. Mercier
Biochem. Soc. Trans. 51, 3
Droplets Come to Life
D. Zwicker
Physics 16, 45 [Viewpoint on PRL article]
Memory capacity of adaptive flow networks
K. Bhattacharyya, D. Zwicker, and K. Alim
Phys. Rev. E 107, 034407 [arXiv/2208.11192]
Thermodynamically Consistent Phase-Field Theory Including Nearest-Neighbor Pair Correlations Explains Failure of Mean-Field Reasoning
K. Blom, N. Ziethen, D. Zwicker, and A. Godec
Phys. Rev. Res. 5, 013135 [arXiv/2204.02962]
Effective simulations of interacting active droplets
A. Kulkarni, E. Vidal-Henriquez, and D. Zwicker
Sci. Rep. 13, 733, [arXiv/2206.10925]
Joint control of meiotic crossover patterning by the synaptonemal complex and HEI10 dosage
S. Durand, Q. Lian, J. Jing, M. Ernst, M. Grelon, D. Zwicker, and R. Mercier
Nat. Commun. 13, 5999, [preprint at bioRxiv]
The intertwined physics of active chemical reactions and phase separation
D. Zwicker
Curr. Opin. Colloid Interface Sci. 61, 101606, [arXiv/2202.13646]
Evolved interactions stabilize many coexisting phases in multicomponent liquids
D. Zwicker and L. Laan
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 119, 28, [arXiv/2201.10898]
Memory Formation in Adaptive Networks
K. Bhattacharyya, D. Zwicker, and K. Alim
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 028101
Self-generated oxygen gradients control collective aggregation of photosynthetic microbes
A. Fragkopoulos, J. Vachier, J. Frey , F. Le Menn, M. Mazza, M. Wilczek, D. Zwicker, and O. Bäumchen
J. R. Soc. Interface 18 [Preprint at researchsquare]
Cavitation controls droplet sizes in elastic media
E. Vidal-Henriquez and D. Zwicker
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 118, 40 [arXiv/2102.02506]
Controlling biomolecular condensates via chemical reactions
J. Kirschbaum and D. Zwicker
J. R. Soc. Interface 18, 179 [arXiv/2103.02921]
Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Nasal Obstruction and Associations with Patient-Reported Outcomes
E. Barbarite, S. K. Gadkaree, S. Melchionna, D. Zwicker, and R. W. Lindsay
Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 148, 4
Elastic stresses reverse Ostwald ripening
K. A. Rosowski, E. Vidal-Henriquez, D. Zwicker, R. W. Style, and E. R. Dufresne
Soft Matter 16, 5892 [arXiv:2004.05070]
Theory of droplet ripening in stiffness gradients
E. Vidal-Henriquez and D. Zwicker
Soft Matter 16, 5898 [arXiv:2001.11752]
py-pde: A Python package for solving partial differential equations
D. Zwicker
J. Open Source Softw. 5, 2158
Elastic ripening and inhibition of liquid-liquid phase separation
K. A. Rosowski, T. Sai, E. Vidal-Henriquez, D. Zwicker, R. W. Style, and E. R. Dufresne
Nature Physics 16, 422–425, [arXiv:1907.08465]
Mechanisms of active regulation of biomolecular condensates
J. Söding, D. Zwicker, S. Sohrabi-Jahromi, M. Boehning, and J. Kirschbaum
Trends Cell Biol. 30, 4–14, [bioRxiv:694406]
Primacy coding facilitates effective odor discrimination when receptor sensitivities are tuned
D. Zwicker
PLOS Comp. Biol. 15, e1007188, [bioRxiv:370916]
Physics of Active Emulsions
C. A. Weber*, D. Zwicker*, F. Jülicher, and C. F. Lee
Rep. Prog. Phys. 82, 064601, [arXiv:1806.09552]
Positioning of particles in active droplets
D. Zwicker, J. Baumgart, S. Redemann, T. Müller-Reichert, A. A. Hyman, and F. Jülicher
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 158102
Validated reconstructions of geometries of nasal cavities from CT scans
D. Zwicker, K. Yang, S. Melchionna, M. P. Brenner, B. Liu, and R. W. Lindsay
Biomed. Phys. Eng. Express 4, 045022
Physical and geometric constraints shape the labyrinth-like nasal cavity
D. Zwicker, R. Ostilla-Mónico, D. E. Lieberman, and M. P. Brenner
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 115, 2936
In the media
Selbstorganisation - Baupläne, die sich selbst schreiben @ Laborjournal 🇩🇪
Dividing Droplets Could Explain Life’s Origin @ QuantaMagazin 🇺🇸
Scientists May Have Discovered What Allowed Life to Evolve @ 🇺🇸
Life on Earth may have begun as dividing droplets @ ScienceNews 🇺🇸
Karen Alim (TU Munich 🇩🇪)
Abby Dernburg (UC Berkeley 🇺🇸)
Eric Dufresne (Cornell 🇺🇸)
Aljaz Godec (MPI-NAT, Göttingen 🇩🇪)
Nathan Goehring (Crick, London 🇬🇧)
Mathias Heltberg (Copenhagen 🇩🇰)
Pierre Illien (Sorbonne, Paris 🇫🇷)
Jerelle Joseph (Princeton 🇺🇸)
Ashley Kiemen (Johns Hopkins 🇺🇸)
Liedewij Laan (TU Delft 🇳🇱)
Raphael Mercier (MPI-PZ, Cologne 🇩🇪)
Arash Nikoubashman (ITP Dresden 🇩🇪)
Recorded presentations
Growth and Division of Active Droplets Provides a Model for Protocells
D. Zwicker*, R. Seyboldt*, C. A. Weber, A. A. Hyman, and F. Jülicher
Nature Physics 13, 408–413
→ Comment by Ramin Golestanian
Normalized neural representations of complex odors
D. Zwicker
PLoS ONE 11, e0166456
Polo kinase phosphorylation determines C. elegans centrosome size and density by biasing SPD-5 toward an assembly-competent conformation
O. Wueseke*, D. Zwicker*, A. Schwager, Y. L. Wong, K. Oegema, F. Jülicher, A. A. Hyman, and J. B. Woodruff
Biology Open 5, 1431–1440
Receptor arrays optimized for natural odor statistics
D. Zwicker, A. Murugan, and M. P. Brenner
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 113, 5570
Suppression of Ostwald Ripening in Active Emulsions
D. Zwicker, A. A. Hyman, and F. Jülicher
Phys. Rev. E 92, 012317
Centrosomes are autocatalytic droplets of pericentriolar material organized by centrioles
D. Zwicker, M. Decker, S. Jaensch, A. A. Hyman, and F. Jülicher
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 111, E2636–45
Tracking single particles and elongated filaments with nanometer precision
F. Ruhnow, D. Zwicker, and S. Diez
Biophy. J. 100, 2820–28
Robust circadian clocks from coupled protein-modification and transcription-translation cycles
D. Zwicker, D. K. Lubensky, and P. R. ten Wolde
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 107, 22540–45
The Hubbard model extended by nearest-neighbor Coulomb and exchange interaction on a cubic cluster - rigorous and exact results
R. Schumann and D. Zwicker
Ann. Phys. 522, 419–39
* Authors contributed equally